We’ve been shop­ping

Cre­ated on Sat­urday, 14 Janu­ary 2012 Writ­ten by Robert

When we have been stand­ing a couple of days ago without a shop­ping list in front of the vast shelfs in the super mar­ket at Zona Franca we had to give up on shop­ping for the time being. After a couple of minutes of delib­er­at­ing and dis­cuss­ing we came to the con­clu­sion that we can’t by food for four weeks and seven people without plan­ning on just one after­noon. Not that we haven’t had been think­ing about this issue before — right the oppos­ite was the case. Dur­ing a couple of weeks we pushed for­ward with the plan­ning of the neces­sary large cal­orie, just to for­get the shop­ping list in the very moment we aimed to get the shop­ping done. ;-)

After the men­tioned dif­fi­culties in the begin­ning we man­aged yes­ter­day in the second attempt to get all the gro­cer­ies needed.

Inebri­ated by the oodles of dif­fer­ent sorts of bis­cuits and chocol­ate we filled our shop­ping bas­kets in no time. Espe­cially the loc­aly well known envel­opes with instant bever­ages (Zuko) we bought in huge amounts. Those instant bever­ages shall give the water a nice and fruity taste and they are avail­able in ludicrous vari­ety. At this point we have to men­tion, that the teller almost went crazy when scan­ning the last 150 envel­opes , even the ini­tial smile van­ished from her lips. Finally we lif­ted the hugh bag of gro­cer­ies into the car and we drove back to the hostel. Now there is the oat flakes, noodles and bis­cuits scattered in the room and wait­ing for their assign­ment — to be packed, trans­por­ted, car­ried and to be eaten!

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - We’ve been shopping