We will reach our base­camp (approx. 300 m a.s.l.) com­ing from the Bahía Fit­ton into a broad val­ley east of Monte Buck­land. The next four weeks we will have time to explore the area, until the boat will pick us up again.

Primary goal of the exped­i­tion is the second ascent of Monte Buck­land (approx. 1.800 m). The first ascent was done over the south east slope, using fixed ropes. If pos­sible we want to climb the pristine north east slope on a new route in alpine style. In this case “pristine” really means the lack of all kind of inform­a­tions, such as ice con­di­tions, biv­ouac spots and dif­fi­culties in the route. Only at the time when we reach Monte Buck­land we will be able to see to what extent this ambi­tious goal can be reached — if impossible we will make an attempt via the old Italian route.

In case the weather gods are mer­ci­ful, and so we have the pos­sib­il­it­ies, we would also like to approach other moun­tains in the moun­tain range of Monte Buck­land. All those moun­tains are unscaled and accord­ing to our maps they reach heights from 1.500 to 2.000 m. The most import­ant heights are Monte Gar­cia and Monte Giord­ano. Apart from trips of sev­eral days’ dur­a­tion away from our base­camp also a good sense of the deep patago­nian rain forest is required to reach the moun­tains. We are try­ing to do pion­eer work, since there are almost no inform­a­tion for moun­tain­eers avail­able. This will be def­in­itely a very excit­ing thing to do!
Leave no traces — this will be our credo over the whole time of the exped­i­tion to pre­serve the sens­it­ive and pris­it­ine envir­on­ment of the Cor­dillera Dar­win and to leave the place as we found it.

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - Objectives